Friday 13 October, 2006
Hmm...I kind of changed my mind since the last post. I tried being slightly rude and I got kicked out almost right away. For this time, I tried not saying anything the entire time. Instead, I found out that if you moved close enough to either of the characters, the cursor would change into one of three others. The others included the options to hug, comfort, or kiss the character in front of you. So, I changed my strategy slightly once again to see what the characters would do if I didn't say a word the entire time but I would hug, comfort, or kiss them depending on the situation and the previous comments and would pick up random objects in the room. Needless to say I got a lot of interesting comments. Once Trip said after I 'comforted' Grace twice in a row "Jesus...! Look I'm going to leave you two alone to keep praising each other. Excuse me." and left to go to the kitchen. Another time he said "Jess, would you quit it with that already, it's making me ill!" and I attempted to comfort Trip after that comment and then Grace said "Oh, well... you seem to remember how much Trip likes getting attention." Then once I kissed Trip once as he was trying to make drinks, I got a lot of nervous laughter from the two was almost like the spontaneous action completely stumped the two of them. I was eventually kicked out after about 15 minutes of silent hugging, comforting, kissing, and random object interaction...