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    sriver20's GameLog for Columbine RPG (PC)

    Tuesday 29 May, 2012

    It wasn’t until I started playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG that I began to think about my responsibilities as both a gamer and a member of the community of the world at large. In previous games, the notion of my responsibility was never really questioned or considered because frankly, it wasn’t something that had even crossed my mind. However, after playing Super Columbine Massacre RPG I realized that playing this game made me, in certain ways, an irresponsible gamer in some sense. Because the game features two protagonists that resemble real life people outside of the virtual world of the game, my overall experience in the game was much different than any previous violent-featured game that I had played. Given that the main protagonists are meant to embody the actual Columbine High School shooters, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, the overall experience I had with the game seemed very dark and sinister to the point that I almost had to put down the game at times due to the historical information that had been made available to me through my research of the actual shooting at Columbine High. Filled with a sense of remorse after I had killed students and demons within the videogame while playing both protagonists, I realized that I was behaving irresponsibly as a gamer. Even feeling these emotions of remorse and guilt were a dead giveaway that I was perhaps committing something that I viewed as incorrect or immoral in some sense. I felt these emotions, coupled with the actions that I committed in the videogame, to be the actions of an irresponsible gamer because I was knowingly playing a videogame that resembled not only teenage protagonists but also one that displayed “real-life” murderers. As stated in yesterday’s response, I found it quite troubling to be playing characters that resembled teenage individuals because I was knowingly committing violent acts with protagonists that resembled minors/non-adults. I believe this further illustrates my lack of responsibility as a gamer because although I knew that these characters resembled teenage individuals, I still kept playing the game and committed heinous and illegal acts such as the murder of students/faculty within the school and I also utilized/owned weapons as a minor.


    "Filled with a sense of remorse after I had killed students and demons within the videogame while playing both protagonists, I realized that I was behaving irresponsibly as a gamer."

    What do you think Gee (the MGS4 reading) would say? Should a responsible gamer actually try to play as if they were the shooters? (do the most damage?)

    Wednesday 6 June, 2012 by jp
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