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    sexypants's GameLog for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

    Friday 13 October, 2006

    Outside of the castle.

    Wow. These are the first letters I can say when I step out into the world. I look around and I see mountains, rolling hills, trees, and a river flowing below me. Before I try to find the next town, I look around the environment for a bit. I first go to examine the trees. There are hundreds of trees rendered in real time, surrounding me. As I closely examine the leaves, I notice that the afternoon shadows on the ground are swaying with the leaves.

    I am amazed!

    When I go into my inventory, I see that I can “fast travel”, or jump from city to city within the world, so I warp to the nearest town. This is where most of the interaction occurs.

    As I walk through the town, I go to talk to the peasants. When I talk to the peasants, they interact in the same way as with the guardsmen and the king earlier, except that I can now gain favor or disfavor. When I suggest something positive to a character, they tend to smile, or look pleasant. When I say something they do not like, I am usually greeted with a scornful face. There is even a game that will grant you more or less favor, dependent on what their likes and dislikes are and how you respond to them.

    After asking around the village, I collect quests from the NPCs, usually to help more NPCs.

    Thus ends my adventure for now.



    Do you think you'll continue to play the game? My PC is pretty old and I don't have a really sounds like I should "invest" in a new video card if I want to make the most of this game. Or not? What do you think?

    Tuesday 24 October, 2006 by jp
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