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    doctor ansem's GameLog for Contact (DS)

    Saturday 28 October, 2006

    Two more runs through Contact since we last talked.

    This game's faults are growing a bit more apparent, but that makes this game's strengths still shine hard. It's still nowhere near addicting, and I've gotten lost on more than one occasion. As well, although battle is simplistic, some bosses are nasty (I've fought three thus far). Two of them I've had to heal up fully from near death, and one took me two tries.

    The good news about this game though, is the fact that the storyline is defenitely amping up. We've got cosmic terrorists, a massive damage reference, and evil organizations exploiting the masses! You can attack anyone on the game! (but it does you no good because innocent people don't drop anything and it murders your karma stat). I've seen enough MMORPGs to know this game plays rather similarly to one, and a good one at that.

    The suits have their uses, but so far only two seem to be incredibly useful: Mr. Cuisine and Knuckle Moe. Mr. Cuisine allows you to cook food you find and mix them, while Knuckle Joe amps your hp and attack. The other suit (Aqua Shot) seems to serve no purpose other than water element, and there doesn't seem to be many water weak monsters. I still have five other suits to find--maybe they're a bit more useful?

    We'll see as I go on. Perhaps something new will emerge?



    It sounds, from your comments, that this game is more about breadth than depth? Sort of like Pokemon in which the essential systems are pretty basic, but they are engaging simply because there is so much variety in the number of pokemon you can get?

    I'm really curious about your thoughts on the 8-bit + modern aesthetic mashup that this game does.

    Monday 30 October, 2006 by jp
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