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    doctor ansem's GameLog for Contact (DS)

    Friday 10 November, 2006

    Wow, need to come back more often!

    Anyway! I have completed Contact as of last week--but I'm not quite done with the game just yet.

    The final area proved itself to be quite brutal, with both extremely powerful enemies and a chain of bosses to finish everything off. There were save points and HP restore items, yes, but that didn't make anything much easier. The game makes it hard for you to deal with multiple enemies at once and sometimes it's impossible to even get by without luring them away to deal with them one by one. It doesn't help matters much that the only way to restore Tech Points is to defeat enemies without using techs on them--one of the flaws of this game.

    As I said somewhere else--I wanted to love this game, I really did. However I couldn't--I merely liked the game. It's a good game, but nagging things and a few battle system flaws kept me from really loving it. The plot towards the end of the game fell flat--I felt nowhere near the captivation I had when I was running around Ft. Eagle and trying to stop the military base. And had it not been for the Professor's letter at the end of the game, I probably wouldn't have liked the ending either.

    Contact defenitely has its quirky benefits, its creativity, and doesn't take itself too seriously at any point. But be weary if you're expecting anything cinematic.

    I believe I'll make another closing statement when I pour through the optional quests later on.


    Cool update.

    Would you say that this is the sort of game that's been stretched too long? As in, if it was 3-4 hours would have been fine.

    Could you describe the battle system flaws in more detail please? I have a soft spot for "combat systems" so I'm always intrigued to hear about a new one.


    Monday 13 November, 2006 by jp
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