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    akshockley's GameLog for Zelda: Windwaker (GC)

    Tuesday 14 November, 2006

    I'd played some of Wind Waker a little over two years ago, but never got around to finishing it because I was too busy. Since I remembered little about where I'd left off and needed to reacquaint myself with the game mechanics, it was back to the beginning for a refresher course...

    I was able to pick up the system again pretty quickly, though I was disoriented for the first few minutes when I kept wanting to press some button, any button, to jump. Camera control also took a minute to get fully reacquainted with.

    Like the other Legend of Zelda titles I've played, Wind Waker wastes no time in starting up the story. After the backstory runs, you run around Link's village for barely minutes before Link and his sister spot a girl (Tetra) in trouble. Saving her leads to the first part of Link's quest: Link's sister Aryll is kindnapped by the bird that had been carrying Tetra earlier, and he must rescue her from the Forsaken Fortress.

    My taste in games tends to run along the RPG side of things, so the quick start is a refreshing change from some of these stories that can take hours to get rolling. Granted, as soon as Link sets off with the pirates to save his sister, you get throw into a training event, but it's all in the name of learning how stuff works and honing your skills... At least the training is fairly engaging, unlike running errands for some crotchy old lady could be.

    I'd say the one drawback of the fast beginning is that Aryll may be kinda cute from her two or three lines, but until Ganon showed up, I didn't really feel compelled to go save her for any reason other than Link wanting to and to progress the game. Maybe it's just because I've been here before.

    Next time: the quest continues, or I pick back up where I left off in '04.


    You've now guilt-tripped me into whether or not I should finish Ocarina of Time (GC version). Sigh.. ;-)

    Thursday 16 November, 2006 by jp
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