Maximo: Ghosts to Glory (PS2)Status: Finished playing I started playing this game on Wednesday 4 December, 2002 // I stopped playing this game on: Friday 7 May, 2004
Current opinion of this game
Tough as nails at times, but very enjoyable. The control is exceptionally tight, graphics are nice and the music is great. I LOVE the special powers you can pick up and HATE having to pay coins to save.
February 22, 2004 01:30:33 AM
After a.. hmmm.. 8 month hiatus I picked Maximo up again. I figured that I might want to play the sequel sometime and that this gamelog was getting a bit stale. I was so close to the finish (I thought) that it really would be a shame to put all that to waste. Well, it turns out that the last level I played was the last one (before boss fights) and I had ALMOST made it to the end. This time around I cleared with relative ease. I passed the section that had had me really troubled (jumping across an acid river..with floating coffins you're supposed to land on). Cleared that, made it to the end an phew!!
I'd just cleared the last level and I really didn't feel like going all the way back to save. (yes, the final hub is pretty dangerous actually) I decided to plow on forward (I had 9 lives, no armor and no weapon upgrade).
Man, the boss was pretty hard...though not terribly so, you just had to be on your toes. I lost 5 lives and wiped him out. YES!!! But.... that is not the end... You see, after defeating Achile (this evil king guy) you go get Sophia (the girl). Well, it turns out there's another boss fight! I won't spoil the surprise but lets say this final fight was easy, but waaaay cool. It is totally dark, you can hear the thumping of your heart and there's lightning (which lights up the level). Whoah.. I was really worried that with 4 lives left I wasn't going to make it (there where no saves in between...bastards!!). Hey, it must have been my inspired night 'cause I beat the last boss and finished the game. I am so happy. Proud, actually. You see, this game is hard. It took me awhile but it's done. Finished. Finito. And now? I guess I'll have to wait for the sequel to drop in price.. Yes!!
July 31, 2003 11:31:18 AM
I've still been mulling over when to pick up the game again.. I just don't want to be upset and frustrated if I'm not able to clear another stage. Does that make me a wuss? :-)
July 21, 2003 01:49:14 PM
I almost picked it up again this weekend but decided not to. You see, the last time I played I was SO close to ending the level that I'm kind of frustrated at the moment. I just hope I get over it so that I can finish it soon.
July 18, 2003 01:38:35 PM
Ok. Maybe it is TOO hard at times..more than that it's kind of annoying to go back to a level at the beginning just to "buff" up.
July 18, 2003 01:37:37 PM
I've only got about 2 levels to finish the game (plus the final boss). MAN this game gets hard near the's still great fun though.
July 18, 2003 01:37:30 PM
I've only got about 2 levels to finish the game (plus the final boss). MAN this game gets hard near the's still great fun though.