Status: Finished playing I started playing this game on Friday 12 June, 2015 // I stopped playing this game on: Wednesday 21 October, 2015
Current opinion of this game
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October 21, 2015 06:04:57 PM
I don't think I'll go back to this though, I think in contrast to the earlier game, there's some additional replayability in that there are some secret things you can unlock. I think I unlocked a fair amount by sheer luck/coincidence, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to play around until I stumble upon more sheer luck/coincidence to unlock more things. I don't really have the time for that and using an online guide feels a bit...wrong. For a game like this.
I guess this game is a great reminder that you don't need kickass graphics and all the rest to have a game that's interesting and compelling to play. I need to remember to use this in class as an example more often.
June 14, 2015 08:18:38 PM
I bought this because it's by the same person who did 1,000,000 (?) or something like that...and I really enjoyed 1MM, so why not? Apparently I could have even played it for free had I sent in my receipt from the first game. That's a cool move, but I can spare $3 so I'd rather pay for the game. Supporting indie devs and all that.
Comments I've heard have described it as the same as the last game but more streamlined, improved, and stuff like that. Having just finished this one (YMBaB) I'm not sure that's true. Or not. I simply don't remember that much about the last one, though the game is mostly the same. It took me 8 hours to make it through and I'm debating whether or not I want to do it again. This time around you grind your characters weapons (staves, swords, shields) but you can also hire monsters that give you a buff. I don't think that was in the last game. Also there's other people that join your boat (as it gets bigger) that offer other services. You can give stuff away (for hopeful buffs from the gods), sell loot you find in chests, invest money for a (hopeful) return on your money, and there's a lady who asks you if you like her garden. But there's no garden as far as I can tell.
As for the game? Still a match three with lots of grinding, but it goes quite quickly and definitely has that "one more turn" feel. I'm sure people will describe the graphics as "charmingly retro", but they're not. Really. I mean, they're perfectly functional and all that... I think they're kind of ugly, to be honest. But still, the game still shines!