Status: Finished playing I started playing this game on Sunday 22 April, 2018 // I stopped playing this game on: Thursday 31 May, 2018
Current opinion of this game
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May 31, 2018 07:07:13 PM
Finished! (the campaign)
Ok, the whole game experience turned around for me in the last two missions (or three 3?). Well, starting with the one in which Zussman is captured. The whole game started to feel more important/meaningful and I was really, really curious to know if I'd get to play as Zussman (you don't). In a way, the game mattered more and was able to move past the "hoo-rah" jingoism. It's a tricky balancing act for a game like this because it really is based on WWII (again!) after years of being able to make up stories AND worlds such that everything can make sense together.
The final missions, and the epilogue were a nice touch - they didn't have to go there (you rescue Zussman from a Nazi work camp) - and they did, which was good AND they obviously dodged a huge bullet/landmine in dealing with the very real atrocities of the war. There's enough there to make a strong case that they took everything seriously (and respectfully) while also not forgetting that it's a CoD game that's trying to hit a high-mark for pure entertainment.
So, major thumbs up for that!
Then I played a few hours in zombie mode...which was also fun but strange - mostly because as a level 1 noob player I was playing with people who had several days(!) of playtime over me. THey all knew what to do, what to get, when to get it, etc. It was fun - I was clearly the one that needed the most rescuing BUT, in a weird turn - I was unable to quit! If you die during a round, you come back in the next if at least one team member survives. However, the zombies are really tough and you basically have no money to get back up to speed - so, it's a negative feedback loop where, because my teammates were really good, I couldn't escape and kept getting progressively worse. With no way to safely quit/resign move on... I think we got to at least wave 23 (which feels like a lot, but I don't really know to be honest).
May 21, 2018 07:15:20 PM
I'm 6 or 7 missions into the campaign and it's "ok". I've been struggling to articulate why I'm not enjoying the bombast as I usually do with CoD games. This one is obviously different - what with the setting and such, it looks amazing as usual BUT the gameplay doesn't quite work for me. The standout exception so far was the infiltration mission (where you play a female character from the resistance who is infiltrating - in disguise - a giant german-occupied building in's sort of a command center/officer club). I'm not sure if this is what's bugging me the most, but I'll try...
a. I've run into multiple moments where I hit an invisible checkpoint at a really bad (low health and ammo) moment such that when I die later on, it's much harder to make progress because the checkpoint reloads with low health and ammo (and sometimes even under fire?) This has happened enough times that I've noticed.
b. I've been able to "peek-behind-the-curtain" way too many times in ways that have been immersion breaking and disappointing. The standout one so far was a mission where you have to attack and take over a church. As I was about to exit on the opposite end - having fought soldiers and whatnot, I look left and see a staircase going up. I wonder if I can go up, but I can't because there's some furniture and stuff blocking the way. So, I continue (2 meters?) towards the door which triggers a cut-scene/dramatic moment with explosions and NPC instructions to head up the stairs to the belltower or something. I had JUST looked there and it was blocked, but when I turn to look now - it's magically cleared! I noticed this in a few other places which is a real drag...
c. The level/fight design seems to favor rushing in and hoping for the best. If you stay back and cautiously move forward enemies just keep magically re-spawning. Agh. It's a drag - especially because the enemies respawn pretty much right there.
d. I've run into many, many firefights where I just keep on dying and dying until I'm able to luckily make it through... these include firefights with internal checkpoints that are also a bit awkward.
Overall, it seems like the pacing is often "off" for me?
I have enjoyed the NPC characters - you can call on them for ammo and health!