Status: Stopped playing - Something better came along I started playing this game on Wednesday 12 April, 2023 // I stopped playing this game on: Wednesday 26 April, 2023
Current opinion of this game
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April 26, 2023 12:37:31 PM
I got this because it was recommended as a couch-co-op game and my plan was to play it with the kids. It is also, curiously, a 3-player game, which I thought was really unusual. Most are either 2 or 4 or greater - but capped at 3 isn't something I recall seeing much. Also, I don't think there was ever a US physical release - so I had to import it. This meant buying it on Amazon, so no big deal there...
ALL of this to say...huh.
As soon as we started playing we realized - oh, it's a MOBA! And oh! There's upgrades and points and stuff (meta-game) that we don't really care about. And oh! 3-player split-screen is TERRIBLE - everything's super small and you can't read anything...and so, we didn't have all that much fun. One of us (not me) really didn't like it, so that sort of put the kibosh on the whole game.
We did play some more in two-player, and it went better in terms of screen readability and I was starting to get the hang of my character's abilities and all that - but...I'm still not that excited by the genres as a whole..there were some neat things I thought were cool though:
(a) When you die/respawn you launch down from orbit or something - as you drop you can maneuver yourself in the sky and collect coins - the more you get the better, so you can upgrade your abilities and such. It's a neat touch that's simple to implement (mostly), makes the waiting/respawn time more interesting, and is gameplay relevant.
(b) The game highlights the difficulty of being effective (my interpretation) for each character in the character selection screen. I really appreciated that - and it's easy to forget that these games (like fighting games) have learning curves for each character and you sort of want to spend time on them, learning their moves, etc. and having a sort-of-roadmap for that is super cool. I don't think this is a novel feature in this game (as in, I'd be surprised if this game invented this idea), but I wish we'd see more of it? (also, I don't often play games where this would make sense - i.e. fighting games, but perhaps could make sense in driving games?)
BTW, my surprise at "it's a MOBA!" is purely my responsibility - I bought the game based on recommendations (top couch-cop games!) and didn't read any of the details. hahaha.